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Showing posts from October, 2018

Spring 2019 Registration

Spring registration starts on November 5.   Cheyenne, our peer advisor, will have extended office hours the weeks of October 22, 29, and November 5.   Students have two options: Attend regular office hours (Mondays and Fridays 11-12:30) Email   to schedule an appointment if they are unable to attend office hours.

Summer Linguistics Study in York, England

Summer Linguistics Study in York, England: There will be an information session on the study abroad program in York. It will be hosted by students who went last summer. They will be in HBS 4043 on October 10 between 11 and 1. Stop by anytime to talk with them about their experiences. Also, please note, there was a misprint on the study abroad website. The program is during the month of July (not the dates previously listed on the website).