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Office Hours

Happy Summer!

Questions/Advising needs?

  • Remember to check through JMU resources, including the CSD Major Planning Tools at All peer advising sessions are also available on the blog!
  • The best way to get in touch with your advisor or a faculty member during the summer is through email. Please be mindful that faculty members have varied schedules during the summer and follow the university holiday schedule. Please e-mail and plan for extra time to receive a response.

Spring 2021 Office Hours 

**Office hours will be updated through the week of 1/19**

Student Advising by Graduate Student: Cameron Mondschein
Monday 11:00-12:00pm 
Tuesday 11:00-12:00pm

Please note the preferences of each faculty member for virtual hours
*List in alphabetical order by last name*

Undergraduate Advisors
Dr. Chris Clinard:
Senior Advisor
HBS 1014
Monday 10:00-11:00am
And by appointment 

Dr. Christina Kuo:
Transfer Advisor
HBS 1022
Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm
Thursdays 11:15-12:30pm
And by appointment 

"FOR WEEK OF 2/1: Advising office hour for drop-ins will be on Wednesday 2/3 (1:30-2:30PM) only due to class needs. Office hours will return to the usual two-day schedule next week. As always, please feel free to e-mail with any questions that you may have."

Dr. Jamie Lee:
Sophomore Advisor (L-Z)
HBS 1032
Tuesday 1:00-2:15pm
And by appointment   

Dr. Yingjui Nie:  
Junior Advisor
HBS 1016
Mondays 10:00-11:00am 
Mondays 3:30-4:30pm (except for the first Monday of each month)

Dr. Erin Piker:
Sophomore Advisor (A-K)
HBS 1030
Monday 1:00-2:00pm
Tuesday 11:00-12:00pm

Dr. Emily Zane:
Freshmen Advisor
HBS 1015
Tuesdays from 10:00 -11:00am  

All Other CSD Faculty 

Erin Clinard:
HBS 1034
By appointment only.

Dr. Rory DePaolis: 

HBS 1012
Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm
Link on Canvas. All others can email for appointment

Dr. Carol Dudding:
HBS 1004
Monday 2:00-2:30pm
Wednesday 3:45-4:15pm
Link on Canvas. All others can email for appointment 

Linda Freeman:
HBS 1076
Wednesdays 11:00-12:00pm
And by appointment

Dr. Melissa Garber:
HBS 1074
Please email prior to Zoom
Monday 10:00-11:00am
Tuesday 2:00-3:00pm

Dr. Lincoln Gray:
HBS 1018

Dr. Susan Ingram:
HBS 1006

Dr. Erin Kamarunas:
HBS 1020
Email for appointment only.


Dr. Marsha Longerbeam:
HBS 1078

Dr. Ayasakanta Rout:
HBS 1010

Dr. Geralyn Timler:
HBS 1008
Email for appointment only.

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