Breazile and Mary Blake Hinshaw are the undergraduate student advisors! They
are first year graduate students in the SLP program, and they both attended JMU for their
undergraduate degrees in Communication Sciences and Disorders. In addition to
their CSD majors, Cecilia minored in Medical Spanish, and Mary Blake minored
in EXED and Family Studies. They would love to help answer any questions about the major, scheduling classes, graduate applications, their respective
minors, and any other related topic. Their office hours will be in HHS 1142 (directly across from Dr. DePaolis' office). The times will be posted later this week.
Please feel free to email them if you have any questions, concerns, or if you would like to schedule an appointment at a time different from the ones listed above.
Please feel free to email them if you have any questions, concerns, or if you would like to schedule an appointment at a time different from the ones listed above.
Breazile-- breazicr@dukes.jmu.edu
Blake Hinshaw-- hinshamb@dukes.jmu.edu