As CSD students, we recognize that
a person’s ability to communicate is a huge factor in one’s identity and
quality of life. For those that are unable to use their own voice to speak,
various Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices can be
groundbreaking for an individual to express their wants, needs, thoughts, and
feelings. With changes in technology and advancing knowledge in Speech Science,
the possibilities for AAC devices are continually growing.
As useful and appreciated as these devices
are, they often use the same robotic, computerized voice that may not fit the
client’s identity. A company called VocaliD is working to change that. Using
principals from Acoustics and Speech Science, VocaliD uses a recording from a
client’s production of a vowel and blends it to the voice of a donor to create
a unique voice to be used on an AAC device. President and Founder of the
company, Rupal Patel, became inspired to create VocaliD after watching a young
girl and an older man have a conversation using the same synthetic voice. Recognizing
that even people with limited speech have a unique vocal identity, VocaliD hopes
to provide each client with a voice that matches their unique personality.
According to Dr. Longerbeam, who is
JMU’s professor of the graduate level AAC course, some of the newer AAC devices
come with some options to match the voice to at least the gender and possibly
the age range of the device user. However, she stated that the choices are
still very limited, and the voices are often still robotic and fail to match
the unique identity of the client. Dr. Kuo, a professor in the department who
specializes in speech science and motor speech disorders, explained that the
foundation of Dr. Patel’s work is based on our understanding of the speech
mechanism as a source-and-filter system.
By changing the source and filter characteristics, individualized voices
and speech sounds can be created. Dr. Kuo continued to express that VocaliD and
similar speech banking companies that allow clients to express their feelings
to their loved ones in their own, unique voice can be extremely meaningful for
both the clients and their families.
The company takes donations of
voice from anyone with a computer, microphone, and 3-4 hours to record their voice.
Using the Chrome browser from their own computer, a voice donor repeats many
sentences that when put together cover all of the sounds that occur in English.
To learn more about the company and to donate your voice,
please visit:
The Official VocaliD Website:
TED Talk featuring Rupal Patel, the founder of VocaliD:
Wall Street Journal article about a client who received a voice from VocaliD:
TED Talk featuring Rupal Patel, the founder of VocaliD:
Wall Street Journal article about a client who received a voice from VocaliD: