Welcome back, everyone!!!
CSD Peer Advising is UP AND RUNNING!!
Katie Davies and Andi Sorber are the new peer advisors for the Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 semesters.
As double dukes, they were just in your undergraduate shoes last year and
are there to guide you through the major and answer ANY questions you may have!
When asked about their positions as the next UG Advisors they replied:
"I'm really excited to be able to help everyone who needs it, I am really knowledgeable about what they are going through and want to help in any way I can!"
"There are no stupid questions! I mean chances are I was wondering the same things as an undergrad CSD student!"
Their office hours and location can be found at the "PEER ADVISORS" tab at the top of the page AND are listed below:
Mondays 1:30-3:00pm (Katie) HBS 1042
Thursdays 1:30-3:00pm (Andi) HBS 1042
Contact them via this email: csdug@jmu.edu and they will get back to you promptly!