Hello all! Below is an article that has some advice on tips and tricks to consider when applying to graduate school. It is written by an Online Graduate SLP student here at JMU. Please consider reading, it may help you have some piece of mind during this process!
Article: https://blog.nsslha.org/2019/10/22/stop-losing-sleep-over-grad-applications-10-pieces-of-advice/
Article: https://blog.nsslha.org/2019/10/22/stop-losing-sleep-over-grad-applications-10-pieces-of-advice/
More on the Author:
Jessica Kauffman is an online MS SLP student at James Madison University. She's currently completing her final clinical placement in a Seattle-area private practice. Following her Clinical Fellowship year, she plans to pursue a PhD with focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder. https://blog.nsslha.org/author/jessica-kauffman/