If you have an extra one to two hours a week next semester, consider volunteering as a TA to help students in CSD 209. It requires a good understanding of the course material and a commitment of one hour per week with the students, and 30 to 45 minutes per week with the other TAs and Dr. DePaolis. If interested contact Dr. DePaolis (depaolra@jmu.edu) or stop by his office (1012 HBS).
If you have an extra one to two hours a week next semester, consider volunteering as a TA to help students in CSD 209. It requires a good understanding of the course material and a commitment of one hour per week with the students, and 30 to 45 minutes per week with the other TAs and Dr. DePaolis. If interested contact Dr. DePaolis (depaolra@jmu.edu) or stop by his office (1012 HBS).