Dear Students, CSD420 does not require permission as this is open to all students, including non-CSD students. There are three sections. These classes are available on a first come, first serve basis. If the course reaches enrollment capacity, you are advised to place your name on the waitlist. There are no overrides for this course. It fills quickly and then the computer generates a permission for the next student on the waitlist should the course opens up.
With new students, new faculty, and a new Health and Behavioral Studies building, the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is excited to kick off a new school year! The undergraduate peer advisors would like to introduce one of our newest faculty members, Dr. Geralyn Timler. At the undergraduate level, she is currently teaching CSD 300 Children’s Language and will be teaching a section of CSD 314 Phonological and Language Disorders in the spring. She is looking forward to the unique opportunity of collaborating with another child language researcher and professor, Dr. Pavelko, for CSD 314. She is also teaching Speech Sound Disorders for the Master’s program and is serving as the new director of JMU’s residential Speech-Language Pathology Master’s program. Her research is focused on social communication disorders and she is looking at how a self-report measure of children’s conversation skills could be used for documenting t...