Dear CSD students! Please see below an opportunity to get involved in the College’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts.
Hi all! My name is Kim, and I'm a senior Social Work student. I was recently tasked to work with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team of CHBS and to reach out to the racially diverse students and briefly talk about your experience attending a predominantly white institution. I have created a Google Form with five questions, and I would appreciate any feedback that you would like to give. Your contact information will remain confidential.
I am also willing to briefly meet via Zoom for anyone that would like to have a more in-depth conversation regarding the Google Form or if you have other concerns/feedback that aren’t mentioned on the form. My email address is, so feel free to directly reach out to me to schedule a Zoom meeting. Given the recurring events of acts of violence towards people of color, the DEI team is dedicated in making sure the underrepresented students of CHBS have their voices heard. With the responses that are given, the team can use them to begin formulating a plan to make sure CHBS has diversity, equity, and inclusion within the college.
I am attaching the link to the Google Form below. If you wish to fill it out, I would appreciate responses by no later than Friday, April 16th. Thank you again for your time.
Google Form:
Kim Diggs